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The Ultimate Poster in the Universe Man


This poster depicts two men having a jolly time, perhaps singing to the karaoke. You can see it in their eyes — the sheer determination and courage to successfully reach the high note. But what are they pointing at? Perhaps the non-legible English lyric on the karaoke screen?? We may never know…

Though they’re probably singing, take the microphones out of their hands and it looks like they’re puzzled, pointing at the object of confusion while they say, “Nhaaa???” Or they might actually be a couple of stand-up comedians delivering the punchline, “And that’s why you never drop the soap!” Also, I do notice that the guy on the left is wearing what looks like a basketball jersey, covered by… candy necklaces or bicycle chains perhaps. What is going on here? Is this real life?

My kingdom to understand the words on this poster, which I laid mine eyes on, plastered to the wall of a random Asian video store near my house. This is Chinese maybe? From what I can tell, it’s an old poster for some karaoke CDs or DVDs. VCD? The hell? They still make those? I haven’t seen a VCD since the last bootleg Matrix movie. Either way, this poster makes me want to karaoke, since I could probably do way better than these odd characters. Or… maybe not.

Time to get some bball jerseys and candy jewelry, and practice some singing.



  1. deresa says:

    Wow.. M you are so observant and deep. I keep reading the blogs on this web site because of you. Once again.. WOW…

  2. deresa says:

    It sounds kinda sarcastic… but it’s not. I heart random.

  3. Mike says:


    Let this be a lesson… for the next time, my excellence shall destroy your soul with my very passing.

  4. Danh says:

    You’ve really analyzed the deep intricacies of this poster and the philosophy of karaoke in general. You forgot to mention laserdisc, my mom rocked these like crazy when doing karaoke with friends.

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