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Bosozoku Mechanic AKA The Boso Mech

My s14 had some problems so guess who I asked to lend me a helping hand? Yes, thats right! the Boso Mechanic from the mysterious land of SG. Wheres SG you ask? well…then I guess you have to tune in next time to find out!

Believe it or not, the Boso Mech  lift that car with 2 fingers!!

Now some say, that the Boso Mech has been around since the begining of time…and that its been around so long that it has actually witness it’s own birth. Whats the mysterious drving force that allowed it to live so long?….Tapatio with Kimchi Bowl Noodle, and of course we can’t forget about the desert…

Whats a meal with out a proper desert? The Boso Mechs favorite desert after a good meal, the Anjou Pear. Some say, that the haunting sweetness of the pear mixed with the blood of the Boso Mech is the main ingredient in the popular Axe deodorant.

Tune in next time to find out more about the Boso Mech. Who is he or it really?

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